What is Driver’s License Fraud?
Driver's license fraud includes the use of another person’s identity and the submission of counterfeit identity documents. It also includes all other activities intended to obtain a driver's license or identification card by a person or for a person who is not eligible for issuance of such a document.
- Presentation of counterfeit immigration documents. Such as an I-94 or "green card" presented by an undocumented alien who is not eligible for a Georgia driver's license or identification card.
- Presentation of a counterfeit birth certificate or social security card. Such as one created on a personal computer by scanning a legitimate document and printing it out on a color printer after changing the identity information.
- Presentation of a legitimate birth certificate belonging to another person.
Driver's license fraud is a crime. Anyone suspected of committing driver's license fraud may be charged with any of a number of violations of state and/or federal law. Including, but not limited to the following:
- O.C.G.A. §16-9-1 Forgery in the 1st degree
- O.C.G.A. §16-9-2 Forgery in the 2nd degree
- O.C.G.A. §16-9-121 Identity Fraud
- O.C.G.A. §16-10-20 Making false statements in a matter within a political subdivision
- O.C.G.A. §40-5-100 Possession of multiple identification cards
- O.C.G.A. §40-5-104 Making a false statement in an application for an ID card
- O.C.G.A. §40-5-120 Fraudulent use of a driver's license or identification card
- O.C.G.A. §40-5-125 Making a false statement in an application for a driver's license
What is NOT Driver’s License Fraud?
Fake ID's are not driver's license fraud. The creation of counterfeit driver's licenses and identification cards is not driver’s license fraud. The DDS does not investigate allegations that a person has made or used a counterfeit driver's license or "fake ID" unless the complaint involves the actions of a DDS employee or DDS equipment. However, we do work with local, state and federal law enforcement agencies to assist with the determination of whether a suspected driver's license or identification card was issued by the agency. Making and using fake ID's are crimes.
Ticket fraud is not driver's license fraud. If you discover that someone else used your identity when they received a citation, and there is a conviction and/or license suspension on your driving record for an offense that you did not commit, this is not driver's license fraud. The DDS cannot remove a fraudulent citation from your driving record without the authorization of the court that submitted the conviction. You must contact the court to prove to them that you were not the person cited. However, the DDS will provide you with information about the citation and contact information for the court to help you begin this process.
How can I report Driver’s License Fraud?
In an effort to make it easier for concerned citizens and employees to assist our investigators in thwarting driver’s license fraud, the DDS has set up a new e-mail address for the reporting of suspected criminal activity. Customers and employees of the DDS can e-mail [email protected] to report fraud directly to the Investigative Services Section. Fraudulent activity also may be reported by phone to (678) 413-8766. When reporting suspected driver's license fraud, please try to include:
- the victim's name
- date of birth
- driver's license or identification card number
- social security number
- and contact information.
- If you are not the victim, please include your contact information.
- Also include any information about the suspect or the circumstances surrounding the fraud should be provided.
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License Fraud
The Georgia Department of Driver Services (DDS) is committed to protecting the integrity of the agency's identity documents. DDS has enacted document requirements to prevent ineligible users from receiving driver's licenses or identification (ID) cards. The customer must prove his/her identity, residency, and citizenship or lawful status in the United States. We also train our staff to recognize counterfeit and/or fraudulent identity documents. Additionally, we employ law enforcement officers who investigate driver's license fraud.
Click here if you are not a US citizen
Fraud Prevention Tips
- When receiving a replacement license or card by mail, customers are reminded to shred or destroy their old ones. This will prevent identity thieves from stealing your personal information.
- Buy a copy of your driving record to see if the DDS shows tickets that were not issued to you. This is similar to looking at your credit report for fraudulent activity.
- Do not leave mail in your mailbox overnight, and stop your mail delivery if you will be away from home.
For Victims of Identity Theft
- The theft of your identity may not involve driver's license fraud, but the DDS wants to help you in any way that we can. First, contact your local law enforcement agency and make a police report. This is the first step to getting help from many state and federal agencies.
- Consumers release their driver's license and ID card numbers to many companies every day. Thus, DDS is most likely not the source of the compromise of your personal information. The DDS maintains the highest security levels for computer data and takes great efforts to examine allegations of driver's license fraud.
- Our law enforcement staff conducts background investigations on all employees.
- Internal affairs also investigate all allegations of employee misconduct.
Driver's license or identification card
Can I change the number on my Driver's License or Identification(ID) Card?
- Yes, you must request license number changes at a DDS Customer Service Center.
- You will need to present your current license/id card or your identity documents. Please refer to Real ID Requirements for a full list of documents.
- Normal licensing fees will apply. See Fees and Terms for more information.
- All customers who have used their social security numbers as their license or ID card numbers will be getting a new number on their next renewal.
- If your license or ID card number changes, please be sure to share the new number with your
- car insurance agent,
- your bank,
- and other financial institutions that use that number to identify you.
- For more information: Rule 375-3-1-.01. Assignment of Customer Identification Number