Section 7 Continued: More Warning Signs
Side road enters ahead sign

Side road enters highway ahead.
Road ends sign

The road you are traveling on ends straight ahead. Slow down and prepare to yield or stop before turning right or left.
Bump sign

There is a bump in the road ahead. Slow down!
Divided highway ends sign

Divided highway ends. Prepare to change lanes or shift lane position.
Hill sign

Steep hill ahead. Slow down and be ready to shift to lower gear to control speed and protect brakes from damage.
Signal ahead sign

Presence of traffic signals at intersection ahead. Slow down!
Slippery when wet sign

Roadway is slippery when wet. Remember, the first half-hour of rain is most hazardous.
Merge sign

Traffic merging from the right. Prepare to allow traffic to safely merge.
Yield ahead sign

There is a yield sign ahead. Slow down and prepare to stop if necessary.
Stop ahead sign

There is a stop sign ahead. Begin to slow down and be prepared to stop.
Pedestrian and animal crossing signs

These signs alert drivers in advance of areas where animals, people, and vehicles may be crossing.
Watch for pedestrians in the crosswalk sign

Drivers must stop and stay stopped when pedestrians are in the crosswalk.
No passing zone sign

This sign is on the left side of the highway and marks the beginning of a no passing zone. Any passing maneuver must be completed before reaching this sign.
Speed limit signs

These signs may be accompanied by speed advisory plaques that indicate the speed with which you should proceed.
Lanes reduced sign

Number of lanes reduced ahead.