Section 7 Continued
Triangle signs

Triangle signs mean yield. You must slow down to a speed that is reasonable for existing conditions and stop if necessary. If you must stop, do so at a marked stop line, if it exists. After slowing or stopping, you must yield the right-of-way to other vehicles in the intersection or approaching closely on another roadway or auxiliary road leading into a major highway.
Diamond signs

Diamond shaped signs warn of existing or possible hazards on roadways or adjacent areas. They are yellow with black words indicating the potential hazard, or black symbols visually describing the potential hazard.
Round signs

A round sign means you are approaching a railroad crossing. This sign is posted a few hundred feet in front of the tracks and alerts you to slow down, look, listen and prepare to stop. If necessary, roll down a window and listen carefully for an approaching train. If a train is approaching, stop! Do not try to calculate whether you can "make it" across the track. Never try to beat a train through the intersection. Passing is prohibited at all railroad crossings.
Pentagon signs

Pentagon shaped signs mean you are approaching a school zone and/or school crossing. When used, they will be erected not less than 150 feet nor more than 700 feet in advance of the school grounds or school crossing. (These signs can sometimes be fluorescent green in color.)
Regulatory Signs
Regulatory signs tell drivers what they may or may not do. Drivers, including bicyclists, must obey them in the same manner as traffic laws. Remember, a red circle with a red slash from upper left to lower right means "No." The picture within the circle shows what is prohibited.
Wrong way sign

You are approaching a one-way highway or ramp. Driving on the highway or ramp in the direction you are traveling is not allowed.
No U turn sign

You cannot turn around to go in the opposite direction at this intersection.
Reduced speed ahead sign

You are approaching an area where a reduced speed limit has been established.
School speed limit sign

You are approaching a school zone. A reduced speed limit is in effect when the yellow lights are flashing.
One way sign

You may travel only in the direction of the arrow.
No right turn sign

You cannot make a right turn at this intersection.
Slower traffic keep right sign

When two or more traveling lanes are available in the direction you are traveling, slower traffic should travel in the right (outside) lane(s).
No bicycles sign

Bicycles are prohibited from entering this roadway.
Do not enter sign

This marks a one-way road. If you are facing this sign traffic is coming toward you. You must not continue down the road.
Keep right sign

Traffic is required to keep to the right of medians or obstructions.
Speed limit 55 sign

55 miles per hour is the maximum speed limit permitted in this area.
No right turn on red after stop sign

A right turn on red is prohibited, even after coming to a complete stop.
No trucks sign

Trucks are prohibited from entering this roadway.