Parent-Teen Driving Agreement

Use the chart below to guide your teen to becoming a responsible driver. Discuss and assign the privileges beginning with Checkpoint 1.

Unsupervised Driving Privileges
Privileges Checkpoint 1 Checkpoint 2 Checkpoint 3 Checkpoint 4
Sundown or 9 pm
10 pm
11 pm
Teen passengers (Daytime)
1, sometimes
2, sometimes
Teen passengers (Nighttime)
1, sometimes
Weather (Daytime)
Dry, light rain
Weather (Nighttime)
Dry, light rain
Road Types (Daytime)
All but highways
Road Types (Nighttime)
All but highways
Recommended time in effect
First 1-3 months after licensure
Next 1-3 months
Next 3-6 months
Next 3-6 months
Next review date        

Ready for the next Checkpoint? Take the Quick Check to find out: Did the Teen… Follow unsupervised driving privileges? Advance in driving skills and judgment? Obey traffic laws? “Check in” with parents before driving? Take no unnecessary risks?

Driving Rules and Consequences

  1. Read and discuss the Rules, then review the Example Violations and write in Consequences.
  2. Sign and date to confirm your agreement and commitment.

Rule 1: Check In with Parent Every Time You Drive

  • Tell parent where you’re going, names of passengers and when you’ll return.
  • Call if you will be more than ____ minutes late, or if your plans change.
  • Call if you cannot get home safely. Parent will arrange for safe ride home.

Rule 2: Obey All Traffic Laws and Signs

  • Never use alcohol or other drugs and drive or ride with a driver who is.
  • Never ride in a car where any alcohol or drug use is occurring.
  • Always wear your seat belt and have every passenger do the same.
  • Do not drive aggressively (e.g., speeding, tailgating or cutting others off.)

Rule 3: Do Not Take Unnecessary Risks While Driving

  • No playing around with passengers, messing around with the radio, talking on cell phone, etc.
  • Do not drive when overly tired, angry or upset, or make unnecessary trips in bad weather.

Example Violations & Consequences

Teen used alcohol or other drugs and drove.

Lose driving privileges for _________ weeks/months

Other: _____________________________________________

Teen got a ticket for speeding.

Lose driving privileges for _________ weeks/months

Other: _____________________________________________

Teen didn’t make all passengers wear seat belts.

Lose driving privileges for _________ weeks/months

Other: _____________________________________________

Teen lied about where they were going with the car.

Lose driving privileges for _________ weeks/months

Other: _____________________________________________

Teen came home 45 minutes late without calling.

Lose driving privileges for _________ weeks/months

Other: _____________________________________________

Teen was texting and/or using cell phone while driving.

Lose driving privileges for _________ weeks/months

Other: _____________________________________________

Read, review and discuss the checkpoints, driving rules and violations of the Parent-Teen Driving Agreement. Have parent and teen sign and date the agreement and post it where it can be a reminder to always drive safely.

AGREE: We understand and agree to these driving conditions and rules.

Parent(s) Initials: ______ Teen Initials: _______ Date: ____________