Long Descriptions
Long Descriptions
Figure 1.1: Determining the Class of CDL Required - Long Description
Definitions: These definitions are for use by roadside enforcement only for the purpose of determining whether the driver and / or vehicle is subject to CDL regulations. It is not used to determine whether a vehicle is representative for the purposes of Skills testing.
Definition: Gross combination weight rating (GCWR) Means the value specified by the manufacturer of the power unit, if the value unit is displayed on the Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard (FMVSS) certificate label; or the sum of the gross vehicle weight ratings (GVWRs) or the gross vehicle weights (GVWs) of the power unit and the towed unit(s), or any combination thereof, that produces the highest value.
Definition: Gross vehicle weight rating (GVWR) Means the value specified by the manufacturer as the loaded weight of a single vehicle.
Is the GCWR 26,001 or more pounds? If Yes, then Is the GVWR of the trailer and / or towed unit 10,001 or more pounds? If Yes, then this is a Class A.
Is the GCWR 26,001 or more pounds? If No, then Is the GVWR of the power unit 26,001 or more pounds? If Yes, then this is a Class B.
Is the GCWR 26,001 or more pounds? If Yes, then Is the GVWR of the trailer and / or towed unit 10,001 or more pounds? If No, then Is the GVWR of the power unit 26,001 or more pounds? If Yes, then this is a Class B.
Is the GCWR 26,001 or more pounds? If Yes, then Is the GVWR of the trailer and / or towed unit 10,001 or more pounds? If No, then Is the GVWR of the power unit 26,001 or more pounds? If No, then Is the vehicle transporting hazardous materials in a placardable quantity? If Yes, then this is a Class C.
Is the GCWR 26,001 or more pounds? If No, then Is the GVWR of the power unit 26,001 or more pounds? If No, then Is the vehicle transporting hazardous materials in a placardable quantity? If Yes, then this is a Class C.
Is the GCWR 26,001 or more pounds? If Yes, then Is the GVWR of the trailer and / or towed unit 10,001 or more pounds? If No, then Is the GVWR of the power unit 26,001 or more pounds? If No, then Is the vehicle transporting hazardous materials in a placardable quantity? If No, then Is the vehicle designed to transport 16 or more passengers including the driver? If Yes, this is a Class C.
Is the GCWR 26,001 or more pounds? If No, then Is the GVWR of the power unit 26,001 or more pounds? If No, then Is the vehicle transporting hazardous materials in a placardable quantity? If No, then Is the vehicle designed to transport 16 or more passengers including the driver? If Yes, this is a Class C.
Is the GCWR 26,001 or more pounds? If Yes, then Is the GVWR of the trailer and / or towed unit 10,001 or more pounds? If No, then Is the GVWR of the power unit 26,001 or more pounds? If No, then Is the vehicle transporting hazardous materials in a placardable quantity? If No, then Is the vehicle designed to transport 16 or more passengers including the driver? If No, then no CDL is required.
Is the GCWR 26,001 or more pounds? If No, then Is the GVWR of the power unit 26,001 or more pounds? If No, then Is the vehicle transporting hazardous materials in a placardable quantity? If No, then Is the vehicle designed to transport 16 or more passengers including the driver? If No, then no CDL is required.
Note: A bus may be Class A, B or C depending on whether the GVWR is over 26,001 pounds or is a combination vehicle.
Figure 1.3: Example Individual Vehicle Mileage and Fuel Record - Long Description
This one piece of paper contains the following information:
- Carrier name
- Account number
- Driver Name
- Unit Number
- Load Information
- Origin address
- Destination address
- Driver Comments
This paper also includes a table with the following columns:
- Date
- Town Origin - Jurisdiction Lines - Town Destination
- State
- Ending Odometer
- Miles by Jurisdiction
- Highways or Routes traveled
- Name of Fuel Stop and Location
- Gallons Purchased
There is a total trip miles and total fuel purchases.
There is an "Office Use Only" section which includes:
- Odometer miles, total trip miles and total jurisdicctional miles (which all must agree)
- Jurisdiction and Miles traveled in each jurisdiction
- Ending Odometer
- Beginning Odometer
- Total Odometer miles (which just matc the total trip miles and total jurisdictional miles)
At the bottom of the page is the text "Note: Beginning odometer reading on this trip must match ending reading from prior trip and ending reaching from this trip must be the beginning reading on the next trip.
Medical Examiner's Certificate (for Commercial Driver Medical Certification) - Long Description
Form MCSA-5876
OMB Number: 2126-0006
Expiration Date: 12.31.2024
US Department of Transport
Federal Motor Carrier
Safety Administration
Public Burden Statement: A Federal Agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, nor shall a person be subject to a penalty for failure to comply with a collection of information subject to the requirements of the Paperwork Reduction Act unless that collection of information displays a current valid OMB Control Number. The OMB Control Number for this information collection is 2126.0006. Public reporting for this collection of information is estimated to be approximately 1 minute per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, gathering the data as needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. All responses to this collection of information are mandatory. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing the burden to: Information Collection Clearance Offices, Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, MC-RRA, 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE, Washington DC 20590.
I certify that I have examined the (enter Last Name, enter First name) in accordance with (please check only one): either the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations (49 CFR 391.41-391.49) and, with knowledge of the driving duties, I find this person is qualified, and, if applicable, only when (check all options that apply) or the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations (49 CFR 391.41-391.49) with any applicable State Variances (which will be valid for intrastate operations) and, with knowledge of the driving duties, I find this person is qualified, and, if applicable, only when (check all options that apply)
- Wearing corrective lenses
- Wearing hearing aid
- Accompanied by a (enter content) waiver and / or exemption
- Accompanied by a Skill Performance Evaluation (SPE) Certificate
- Driving within an exempt intracity zone (49 CFR 391.62) (Federal)
- Qualified by operation of 49 CFR 391.62 (Federal)
- Grandfathered from State requirements (State)
The information I have provided regarding this physical examination is true and complete. A complete Medical Examination Report Form, MCSA-5875, with any attachments, embodies my findings completely and correctly, and is on file in my office.
Medical Examiner's Certificate Expiration Date
Medical Examiner's Signature
Medical Examiner's Telephone Number
Date Certificate Signed
Medical Examiner's Name (please print or type)
Medical Examiner type
- MD
- DO
- Physician Assistant
- Chiropractor
- Advanced Practice Nurse
- Other Practitioner (specify)
Medical Examiner's State License, Certificate, or Registration Number
Issuing State
National Registry Number
Driver's Signature
Driver's License Number
Issuing State or Province
Driver's Address with street address, City, State or Province, Zip code
CLP and / or CDL Applicant and / or Holder with options Yes or No
This document contains sensitive information and is for official use only. Improper handling of this information could negatively affect individuals. Handle and secure this information appropriately to prevent inadvertent disclosure by keeping the documents under the control of authorized persons. Properly dispose of this document when no longer required to be maintained by regulatory requirements.
Revision 1/5/22