Savannah Center Closed Saturday 25 January 2025
All other centers open at their regularly scheduled times.
Top Monthly Error Highlights
This list contains errors generated when submitting conviction records to DDS. Solutions and examples are provided.
2002: Driver Not Found (Georgia Driver was assumed based on data sent to DDS.)
Solution: Driver not found. Verify license number, name, and date of birth. If data is correct, transmit again leaving the license number field blank. If no license information was provided:
- leave the license number field blank
- provide the same state code in the license number code field as the address state code field
Example 1: Court submits a Conviction/Citation, FTA or Withdrawal electronically. The court enters a Georgia license number that doesn’t match the name and D.O.B being transmitted. The court will receive error code 2002.
- Verify license number being submitted is correct
- If the license number is unavailable or unknown, transmit leaving the license field blank.
Example2: Court transmits an out-of-state license number & address but enters GA in the license number code field. The court will receive error code 2002.
- The court needs to verify and retransmit records with out-of-state license code information.
- Ex: Alabama license state code would be AL.
2003: State Code is Invalid
Solution: Verify the license state code is listed correctly, and check to make sure the state code is listed in the address field.
Example 1: Court submits a GA license with the license state code field blank. GECPS will process and kick back error code 2003. The court needs to:
- add the license code to the license state code field
- retransmit the correction within the 10-day requirement in order for it to be processed on time.
Example 2: Court submits a out of state license and leaves the state code field blank in the address. GECPS will process and kick back error code 2003.
- Court needs to check the address fields to make sure they are completely field out with the complete address.
- Retransmit within the 10-day requirement in order for it to be processed on time.
2052: The Actual Speed is Required
Solution: Make correction to actual speed limit. Actual speed need to be greater than zero (For violation code 40-6-160, 40-6-181, or 40-6-188).
Example 1: Court submits speeding ticket with posted speed of 85 mph and the actual speed has 0 or field is blank. GECPS will process and kickback error code 2052. The court needs to correct by
- adding the actual speed the customer was driving ( i.e. 90mph in a 85mph zone)
- retransmit for DDS to reprocess the batch.
2063: Failed to locate the violation using the information provided.
Solution: Check the Violation Codes or Georgia Reportable Offences to DDS List. Code may be entered incorrectly or code is a non-reportable offense to DDS or the code could have changed at Legislation Updates. The following examples may cause this error code:
Example 1: Court submits a conviction/citation for Failure to Exercise due care with a violation date of 7/15/2018. The court submitted the code section as 40-6-241 and received error code 2063 (Failed to Locate the violation using the information provided). Please remember if the violation date is on or after July 1, 2018, then you will need to submit the new code section of 40-6-241B.
Example 2: Court submits a conviction/citation for operating a vehicle while texting and the driver is in a non-commercial vehicle, with a violation date of 6/30/2018. The court submitted the code section 40-6-241C and received an error code of 2063 (Failed to locate the violation using the information provided). If the violation date is prior to July 1, 2018, then you will need to use the old texting law code section of 40-6-241.2B1.
2067: Invalid Court Disposition
Solution: Value must be 1= Convicted, 2= Bond Forfeiture, 3= Plead Guilty Or 4= Nolo.
Example 1: Court sends in a conviction with the disposition code as 8, the court will receive error code 2067 the disposition code must be 1, 2, 3 or 4. Please make the necessary correction and resubmit the batch/file for processing.
Example 2: Court sends in a conviction with the disposition code field blank, the court will receive error code 2067. The disposition code field must be 1, 2, 3 or 4. Please make the necessary correction and resubmit the batch/file for processing.
2464: Violation County Code is Invalid.
Solution: County violation code is invalid or missing.
Example 1: Court sends a record via GECPS with an invalid or missing violation county code the court will receive error code 2464. Please include the national standard state code for the Law Enforcement Agency that issued the citation (example Georgia State Patrol violation code would be “GSP3600”). Please include a valid violation county code and resubmit the batch/file electronically containing all corrected records.
2753: Invalid Violation Date
Solution: invalid date. Check the violation date, disposition date and date of birth fields. Correct and send back with updated information
Example: Court transmits a Citation with a violation date of 1900/01/01, GECPS will kick back an error code of 2753 invalid violation date. Correct the violation date and resubmit and the record will process correctly and be put on the driving history.
2878: FTA Release/Withdrawal doesn't match any FTA on record.
Solution: FTA release or withdrawal must match an FTA on record. Check the trial date, violation date, violation/offense code, etc. to ensure the withdrawal/release matches the FTA submitted.
Example 1: Court sends an FTA with an offense code of 40-6-391 (driving under the influence of drugs/alcohol) and the offense is amended to 40-6-390 (reckless driving). When the release/withdrawal is transmitted, the FTA should be released with violation/offense code 40-6-391 or the court will receive error code 2878 (FTA withdrawal or release doesn’t match any FTA on customer’s record). Please be sure to submit the amended offense to DDS if reportable.
Example 2: Court transmits an FTA withdrawal or release, but never transmitted the FTA. The court will receive error code 2878 (FTA withdrawal or release doesn’t match any FTA on customer’s record) due to the FTA wasn’t transmitted to customer’s record.