Human Trafficking

Overview of Human Trafficking

Human trafficking is a form of modern-day slavery in which traffickers use force, fraud, or coercion to control victims for the purpose of engaging in commercial sex acts or labor services against his/her will. Trafficking happens all over the world, including in the United States and right here in Georgia.

There are two basic types of human trafficking: sex trafficking and labor trafficking.

  • Sex trafficking covers actions related to the exchange of sex for something of value. It includes men, women, adults, and children. It can include street-based prostitution, brothels, and other forms of exploitation.
  • Labor trafficking includes
    • forcing a person to work while withholding pay
    • withholding or hiding immigration paperwork
    • using physical violence or force on a person

Mission and Goal

Our goal is to educate and create awareness among CDL examiners, trucking companies and organizations, and drivers. Our outreach is designed to address awareness and prevention of human trafficking involving commercial vehicles.

Commercial Transportation and Human Trafficking

Contact The National Human Trafficking Hotline

If you suspect human trafficking, call the National Human Trafficking Hotline

Toll Free: (888) 373-7888

The transportation industry intersects with human trafficking in various ways.

  • Victims may be transported via taxis and commercial driving services, buses, and airlines.
  • At-risk youth or those with undocumented immigration status, are solicited or recruited in bus stations or other transportation hubs.
  • The National Trafficking Resource Center (NHTRC) also lists sex trafficking at truck stops, state-operated rest areas, and welcome centers.

In some cases, commercial drivers are involved in trafficking situations.

Because CDL drivers are on the roadways at various locations; it is important that they become familiar with the signs of trafficking and be prepared to alert the proper authorities. Law enforcement agencies, the National Human Trafficking Hotline, the FBI, and the National Center for Missing or Exploited Children are all available to bring rescue and aid to the victims.

DDS has more than 360,000+ Georgia licensed CDL holders on file. This number represents a compelling number of those in the field who can act as “eyes and ears” to report suspected human trafficking.

Partners in the Movement

GBI Human Trafficking Notice

Truckers Against Trafficking (TAT)

Criminal Justice Coordinating Council

Georgia Cares