Section 11: Trikes

This Section Covers

  • Turning – 11.1
  • Stopping Quickly – 11.2
  • Carrying a Passenger and Cargo – 11.3

11.1 – Turning

Look, adjust speed, lean or shift, steer into the turn, accelerate gradually
Turning a Trike

Because the weight of a trike is distributed almost equally between the two front or two rear wheels, these vehicles handle the same in left and right turns. When turning a trike:

  • Approach a turn with your head up, and look through the turn.
  • Adjust speed before the turn to allow you to safely accelerate through the turn.
  • Lean or shift your weight in the direction of the turn.
  • Steer the front wheel(s) toward the turn.
  • Accelerate gradually as you exit the turn.

11.2 – Stopping Quickly

An important handling characteristic to be aware of on a standard trike (1 wheel up front, 2 in the rear) is that the two rear wheels have more braking power. How much varies by trike design. This is because weight does not shift to the front wheel on a trike during hard braking. Most of the weight stays on the rear wheels and makes the rear brakes more effective.

A silver trike

11.3 – Carrying a Passenger and Cargo

Only skilled, experienced riders should carry passengers or heavy loads. The additional weight of a passenger or cargo will change the handling characteristics of the vehicle.

If a passenger is being carried, the passenger will sit directly behind you. When carrying cargo, center the load and keep it low in the storage areas so it is balanced side-to-side. Refer to your owner’s manual for more information.

Test Your Knowledge

  1. When turning a trike, how should you approach the turn?
    1. With your head up and adjusting your speed before the turn.
    2. With your head down and accelerating.
    3. With your head down and adjusting your speed.
  2. Where should you place a load on a trike?
    1. Place the load towards the right of the motorcycle and keep it high in the storage area.
    2. Place the load towards the center of the motorcycle and keep it low in the storage area.
    3. Place the load in front of the motorcycle and keep it high in the storage area.


  1. A – see the section "Turning"
  2. B – see the section "Carrying a Passenger and Cargo"