Medical Review Process
When DDS receives written correspondence, either in the form of a letter or the
for Driver Review (DDS 270)
, pertaining to the diminished driving ability of a license holder a medical review is required. The request may come from a non-anonymous relative, the court, law enforcement officer, judge, doctor, or concerned citizen.
Medical Review Process:
- DDS sends the
Medical Form (DS-287) and/or
Vision Report Form (DDS-MR-274) to the customer requesting a Medical Evaluation by a doctor. If the customer fails to comply within a 30 day period, they will receive a revocation notice. The notice informs them that their driving privileges will be revoked in 30 days for medical reasons. It also states that they may request a hearing within 15 days of receiving the notice.
- If the doctor clears the customer, DDS clears the driving record of any notation relating to the original medical request. No action is taken and no changes are made to their driving privileges.
- If the customer is advised that they must retest and fail to do so within the period of time, then they will be revoked.
- If the customer is revoked, but later cleared to drive, but are still required to retake the Knowledge and Road Tests, DDS sends them a letter informing them that they should visit a Customer Service Center to get retested.
- When conflicting medical reports from different doctors come in, DDS sends the customer's file to the DDS Medical Advisory Board. The Board then makes a recommendation to DDS. DDS will render the final decision that determines if the customer is fit to drive.
Driver Evaluations
Doctors rely on feedback from a certified driver rehabilitation specialist to decide if a person is fit to drive. They offer a clinical and behind-the-wheel assessment of driving skills. It includes a review of recommendations with the driver and caregivers.