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Motorcycle Basic Riders Course 2 License Waiver (BRC2LW)
The BRC2LW is for riders with basic skills and the desire to refresh or get a 90-day Motorcycle License Test Waiver. The BRC2LW Course speeds/skill level for motorcycle operation is higher. It is an excellent refresher course for practicing and renewing your basic riding skills. The class has an informal classroom component to discuss safety concepts based on past riding experiences and current knowledge. A rider uses his/her motorcycle in the BRC2LW.
Successful graduates earn a 90-day Motorcycle License Test Waiver. DDS waives the written and riding portions of your Motorcycle License application for 90 days. The 90-days is from the completion date of your course.
To successfully graduate, students must:
- Attend all sessions
- Be on time for all sessions
- Score 80% or better on a written evaluation
- Pass an on-cycle skills evaluation
NOTE: A Motorcycle Safety Foundation (MSF) Course Completion Card may earn you an insurance discount.
BRC2LW Requirements
The GMSP requires every student to:
- Sign and date a course waiver form.
- Bring a parent or legal guardian to the first session if you are under the age of 18.
- Wear a DOT-approved helmet.
- Wear eye protection (face shield, goggles, or glasses).
- Wear full-fingered gloves which allow good grip and control manipulation.
- Wear a long-sleeved shirt and/or jacket which covers the upper torso/arms.
- Wear sturdy pants which cover the entire leg in the seated position.
- Wear over the ankle footwear (no high-top sneakers).
- Inspect your motorcycle prior to class. Your street-legal motorcycle will be inspected by your RiderCoach using the
TCLOCS inspection form . Bring the filled-out form with you to class.
- Bring your Motorcycle Registration/proof of ownership and valid insurance.
Note: If using another person’s motorcycle, a notarized letter of permission is needed. You must show proof of insurance that covers you on that motorcycle.
Other Considerations
Courses are sometimes conducted in inclement weather such as rain, cold, or heat. It is recommended all students bring the following:
- Wet weather gear (rain jackets, rain pants, etc.)
- Cold weather gear (warm jackets, sweaters, etc.)
- Water or other non-alcoholic beverages
- Lunch/snacks as necessary
- Sunscreen
Course Fees
- Enrollment Fee: $100.00
- Out-of-state Fee: $150.00
Register online or call 678-413-8400.
Note: There is no time or mileage requirement between courses. Each course can be completed right after a previous one.